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Adam Bezverkov

Technologist, Consultant, Father

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Lead the cloud migration strategies and implementation for a large SaaS product.


Lead development teams in the design of new functionality and refactor of a legacy ASP.NET SaaS product, based on a plethora of technologies, including ASP, ASP.NET, MVC, Razor, Angular, WebAPI, and MSMQ based services. Assisted and mentored other developers, promoting good coding practices, security, testing, and code reviews. Refactored old code with more modern and scalable alternatives and pruning old, unused, or duplicate code where possible to ease maintenance time and reduce defects. Contributed to candidate selection and interviews to grow from four development teams to almost two dozen


Designed and championed cloud migration strategy to move from on-prem VM hosts and bare metal to cloud-based SaaS and IaaS, where appropriate. This included Infrastructure-As-Code using ARM Templates and PowerShell with TeamCity and Octopus Deploy to push infrastructure and PaaS creation/changes across almost two dozen environments; VNet/Gateway/ExpressRoute integration to on-prem networks in Dallas and India; and strategic changes to the application microservices to allow containerization and evolve away from self-hosted services like security, search indexing, and service bus.


Designed and championed automation strategies, including implementing a robust gated Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline with integration and regression testing using TeamCity, Octopus Deploy, Katalon, and PowerShell to Continuously Deploy (CD) to almost two dozen dev team servers with Desired State Configuration for configuring the on-prem VMs. Each environment was designed with support containers as part of the automation (SQL with seed data and schema changes, Solr, MongoDB, and Java Applications). Similar scripts were used with local containers for isolated development.